Monday, August 23, 2010

What's The Difference Between Enz T

Who is Dasha Cherniseva?
(Russia, 1979)
undergraduate studies in Philosophy at Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics from which he graduated in 2002. He subsequently had a degree in visual arts at the National Arts Centre, ENPEG "The Esmeralda ", Mexico City from which he graduated in 2009. Exhibitions

2010 / April, Participation in the draft and Andres Villalobos Diego Teo "otravez always" room, Fernando Gamboa, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City
2010 / January, "Date: Dialogues with the city, "occupies. MOBILE GALLERY.
2009 / November, Diego Teo co-production with the intervention of Gate 1 at the Palace of San Lazaro for event "Rock for Education"
2009/Agosto, "Mein Gon", KUTA, Mexico DF
2009, "Puebla Trans-Baroque, a guide for the city ", draft Katia Angelov and Alessandra Poggianti, Mexico, Puebla.


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