For freedom of expression!
Today, through this blog I want to report something he read in a blog friend and extract a fragment which is where I start my discreet view.
Today, when checking my email, I found the following message, which I deleted the name of the character referred to:
As Legal Representative Mr [Unspeakable]
I inform through this statement, that the page with the following address [...] It commits a violation Violation of Copyright, as it makes use of the name and the image of Mr. [Unspeakable] with reference to the words of slander and vilification that cause irreparable moral damage.
The company [Unspeakable] & Associates owns all rights reserved on the use and / or modification of the name and image of Mr. [Unspeakable] Copyright exclusive use, unauthorized use is a crime.
Therefore I request to be removed The contents of this Blog. Well
has been to use the name of JJ Rend'n known presidential adviser, yes sir, it has more front than the FARC, it has more entries than the campsite, the same which I Calvete produces the most disgusting I've felt for a person who has besmirched the most natural right of all, free expression.
Since the election this type of propaganda has polluted black politics across the country, to the extent that DT has been proposed for the selection of Colombia, to see if methods "unholy" he uses to win a playoff achieved.
has also been proposed for the election of the motherfuckin of the year award given this blog to people who do everything possible to ensure that this country is going more for the shit, the candidates are: Juan Manny Santos, Alvaro Uribe Velez, JJ, and Armando Rendon Beneidioti!
However I must say that JJ Rendón takes an honorable mention for their impudence, audacity, and foul play in the campaign that elected the new president. JJ Rendón The phenomenon has been so poor that causes repulsion and I simply ask you to have a general repudiation of what has happened to this friend, author and that can happen if they continue to impose legal restrictions on the print media so that give an independent view to things that seem good or bad.
Finally I would stress that one of the policies of this blog is to tell it feels like the author is: JJ Rendón is a Triplehijodeputa! and if mr. lawyer wants to file a complaint, my details are above, not hide anything and I dedicate it to say things as I feel.
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