Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snotty Type Cervical Mucus

New look!

Dear readers, this is the year of renewal, and we'll start with the most simple, the look of the blog, is it easier, I must pay this blgno change clothes, change of hairstyle, I just have spend 5 minutes making the switch from all the things I had to choose which style I like to leave my notebook.

Now that I think in this globalized world, where what matters is the individuality, where we took a long time for us, the simple change ook very mediocre to me, but I have to hire a web designer or a good publicist .

I'm just going to continue to allow my fingers art become all the shit I think.

I must say that I made a promise only nev year and so far I'll met, stop smoking, now it is inevitable to see someone smoking and think of the damage as HP that I was doing!

In fact, so as I said a teacher at my school, "the only constnte in the world is change" and I still can not stop change.


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