Monday, May 31, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get A Std Resul

For that hope is the last thing that is lost, and the hope is green! Cursed

Mockus won only the first two bulletins of the Registrar, which counts only a little over 6 thousand votes in hopes of achieving bathing green optimists in this country.

With 97.40% of the vote counted, the votes of the party and its presidential candidate U Juan Manuel Santos doubled the growing aspirations of a green wave crashing against a legacy of 8 years machinery ago.

My Country not disappoint me, that's absolutely clear. Chose the same path, and the fear of change that has the average Colombian, to eat chocolate, go RCN and vote for their beliefs, not their ideals.

Now, one thing is clear is that Juan Manuel WON, if we ignore this victory not believe in an institution in Colombia, and we would hit the President desconocciendo the supreme court, one has to lower his head and say was lost with dignity, but was lost.

In the afternoon, once I finish the time for voting; bulletin after bulletin, each green supporter (including me) expressed his outrage at the obvious and overwhelming results in social networks published statements, videos, commenting massive and harmful in groups against the winning candidate in the first round. And that's not the spirit of the green campaign.

Antanas speaks of a case where if an argument is stronger than itself, we must consider our position, and that's what we do, to convince first that Mockus is the best option, and so attract same voters for democratic alternatives.

The call is clear, and accept defeat, raising his head and see that there are only 20 days for a new president.


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